Configure Local IP for Endpoint Group

You can configure local IP address for an endpoint group.

About this task

Follow this procedure to add or delete local IP address configurations during the following operations:
  • Creating endpoint groups (EPGs)
  • Adding or deleting CTAG ranges
  • Adding or deleting VRFs

The Local IP address is configured on the VE interface that is assigned to a tenant network. You can select different local IP addresses for each device in a tenant network.


  1. To configure local IP when you create an EPG, run the following commands:
    efa tenant epg create --name ten1epg1 --tenant tenant1 --vrf red 
    --switchport-mode trunk --ctag-range 11 --anycast-ip 11: 
    --local-ip 11, --local-ip 11,
    efa tenant epg show
    Name: ten1epg1
    Tenant: tenant1
    Type: extension
    Ports :[0/1]
    Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
                  : native-vlan-tagging : false
    NW Policy: ctag-range       :11
                  : vrf                 : red
                  : vrf-State           : vrf-device-created
                  : vrf-Device-State    : provisioned
                  : vrf-App-State       : cfg-refreshed
                  : l3-vni              : 8190
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    | Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name |    Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP)   |  Dev-state  |   App-state   |
    | 11   | 11     | |              |         |>       | provisioned | cfg-refreshed |
    |      |        |              |              |         |                                     |             |               |
    |      |        |              |              |         |>       |             |               |
  2. To delete local IP when you update an EPG, run the following commands:
    efa tenant epg update --name epgv20 --tenant tenant1 --operation 
    local-ip-delete --local-ip 11,
    efa tenant epg show
    Name          : epgv20
    Tenant        : t3
    Description   :
    Type          : l3-hand-off
    Ports         :[0/27]
    POs           : posv9
    Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
                  : native-vlan-tagging : false
    NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 201-202
                  : vrf                 : vrfv20
                  : l3-vni              : 5110
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    | Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name |    Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP)    |  Dev-state  |   App-state   |
    | 201  | 201    |              |              |         |>           | provisioned | cfg-in-sync   |
    |      |        |              |              |         |                4444:44::5/120        |             |               |
    |      |        |              |              |         |>           |             |               |
    |      |        |              |              |         |                4444:44::4/120        |             |               |
    | 202  | 202    |              |              |         |>           | provisioned | cg-in-sync    |
    |      |        |              |              |         |                4444:45::5/120        |             |               |
    For 'unstable' entities, run 'efa tenant po/vrf show' for details
  3. To add local IP when you update an EPG, run the following commands:
    efa tenant epg update --name ten1epg1 --tenant tenant1 
    --operation local-ip-add --local-ip 11,
    efa tenant epg show
    Name: ten1epg1
    Tenant: tenant1
    Type: extension
    Ports :[0/1]
    Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
                  : native-vlan-tagging : false
    NW Policy: ctag-range       :11
                  : vrf                 : red
                  : vrf-State           : vrf-device-created
                  : vrf-Device-State    : provisioned
                  : vrf-App-State       : cfg-refreshed
                  : l3-vni              : 8190
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    | Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name |       Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP)     |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
    | 11   | 11     |              |              |         |>            | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    |      |        |              |              |         |                                          |             |             |
    |      |        |              |              |         |>            |             |             |